Toronto Screeners


On Thursday April 17, 2014   a vote will be held for the offices of the International President and General Secretary Treasurer. This is an historic event for the IAMAW and every one of us. There has not been an election for these positions since 1964. We encourage all of you to come out and vote in this historic  election. Let’s show the Grand Lodge how we Canadians can play a big part in the democratic process of voting for our

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April Monthly Membership Meeting

Monthly Membership Meeting Date: Thursday April 17, 2014 Time: 14:00 – 17:00 Location: Sheraton Gateway Hotel (Interlaken Room) Reports: Chief Stewards, General  Chairpersons   International President & General Secretary-Treasurer Election Date: Thursday April 17th 2014 Time: 0700-2100 Location: Sheraton Gateway Hotel (Terminal 3 Departures Level- Zurich Room)  DOWNLOAD BULLETIN

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