Toronto Screeners


For the last few weeks screeners have raised a safety issue for the full body scanner with the IAM Health and Safety Committee. The IAM has conducted some research and has had discussions with the Labour Safety of Canada to address your concerns.

The Health & Safety committee has discussed this issue with the company and has been unable to resolve it to the satisfaction of the screeners. The IAM has filed a grievance on this issue.

As of today, the Health & Safety committee contacted the Labour Canada Safety officer in charge of the airport to resolve our concerns.

These concerns include the screener personal safety when calibrating the scanner and additional safety concerns when pregnant screeners are operating the full body scanner.

The H&S committee is waiting to meet with the safety officer to resolve these issues by April 4th, 2013.

We are asking for your support and patience during this investigation.

In Solidarity,
Lou Pagrach