Toronto Screeners


The shift committee met with the company to discuss the concerns raised at the general monthly membership meeting on May 16 pertaining to the shift bid.

The requests brought forward were to include to the following items:

–       Additional weekends off for the full timers,

–       To include 1200-2000 shifts and 0400-1200 shifts,

–       Add additional afternoon and late evening part-time shifts,

–       Adjust the irregularities with the shift start times,

–       Shift grid to be in chronological order

–       Team leaders and 10 hr shifts to be permitted to drop a shift

–       Increase full time shifts.

The company had advised they would do the best to accommodate the following suggestions, to include 0400-1200, include afternoon part-time shifts, adjust the irregularities of shift times, place the list in chronological order, and agree to allow team leaders and 10hr shifts to be dropped. The company advised that the additional requests for additional weekends off and 1200-2000 would not be accommodated.

Under no circumstance did the shift committee review or agree to the current changes made to the recent shift bid grid.

In Solidarity,
Lou Pagrach
General Chairperson