Toronto Screeners

Screeners Conference

Dear Fellow Colleagues,

The Nomination for the Screeners Conference is fast approaching, this November 21, 2013. I would like to take the time to give a briefing of what Screeners can expect at this conference.

This conference is a representation of 90% of the Screeners across Canada. This is a conference for Screeners, by Screeners.

The conference will involve many speakers from the industry. There will be workshops such as: A Radiation workshop, a workshop pertaining to workplace issues, safety and Health, etc.

This is a chance for Screeners to not only engage amongst their peers, but to also raise awareness, discuss their concerns and to speak about the issues that we believe need to be voiced!

There will be a maximum of 14 members who will be nominated to attend this conference.

Members, hoping to attend must adhere to the bylaw below:

Bylaw of Local Lodge no. 2921 Article 2 Section H

In order for any member to be eligible for nomination to a local lodge office or committee, shop steward, delegate, or any Local Lodge sponsored convention, conference or seminar, the member must be in good standing for a period of one (1) year and have attended at least fifty percent (50%) of the regular Local Lodge monthly meetings in the preceding twelve (12) months of their nomination.

In order to qualify for this position, you must have signed an IAM card as of November 21, 2012
If you were unable to make monthly meetings please read section I:

Section I.
A member may be excused from attendance to the Local Lodge monthly meeting due to work schedule, employer out of town assignment, sick leave, bereavement leave, compassionate leave, union business, or scheduled vacation. In these cases the member will be considered as having been in attendance. Evidence in support of any excused attendance must be provided to the Recording Secretary prior to or at the time of nomination.

Eligibility: Members in attendance may accept nomination. Nominees not in attendance will be required to submit their acceptance in writing to the Recording Secretary (via fax, mail or in person but not e-mail) to be read out at the nomination meeting.

I hope that this has given Screeners a bit more information of the Screeners conference that is coming up and I hope that it encourages many Screeners to take part of this very important and unique experience.

Please contact the Recording Secretary for any additional information and/or to hand in a nomination or acceptance. Caterina Barone can be reached at or 416 524 3334.

In solidarity,
Amber Chambers