Just the Facts
To all Garda employees:
The CAWU Executive violated their own constitution by refusing to hold quarterly membership meetings, elections and provide you with an audit of their finances.
The CAWU have spent thousands of dollars of your Union dues going to court to prevent you from voting for your executive. In the end, the judge found they were in violation of their own constitution and ruled against them.
You elected Farooq Hamid as your President. The CAWU executive have refused to accept or acknowledge him as President of CAWU. Instead they attempted to illegally remove him from office.
CAWU claim to have processed over 800 grievances in the past 3 years – The fact is over the past few years many CAWU members have been terminated by Garda and most have not even had a grievance meeting or hearing with an Arbitrator in order to determine if the terminations were for just cause.
CAWU has misled you from the beginning and they continue to do so. Stand strong! Do not be intimidated into signing anything from them because they are not acting in your best interest.
CAWU does not possess the experience or the ability to effectively communicate with you or your employer and as such is unable to properly represent you, deal with Garda, or positively affect the many industry challenges that lay ahead. Is this the kind of Union you want?
Do not be fooled again! There are more than 1600 screeners in Toronto. Why are you letting a few individuals dictate when you are the Union!
It is time for change. Choose experience, stability, transparency, and solidarity. Choose the IAM and sign a card today!!
In solidarity,
Ian Morland
IAM Lead Organizer