Toronto Screeners


The Negotiation Committee met and discussed various parts of the existing collective agreement that have negatively impacted us as screeners.

The concerns and hardships caused by the dayto-day functions have been reviewed, discussed and re-written to be put forward in a proposal to the company. We will continue to receive face-to-face input from our fellow screeners in the

lunchrooms and on the floor.
The IAMAW is continuing to work together with the Steel Workers in regards to our combined negotiations for other airports like Vancouver, Montreal, Oftawa and Halifax in achieving the best possible contracts for all screeners.
lf you have any suggestions, please forward your input to the emai! below.
ln Solidarity,
Neqotiation Goqmittee:
Mir Alam
Duane Andrewes Caterina Barone Colin Husbands Yama Hussain Toki Hassan Jama
Barry Barnett – Aleksandar sukunda
General chair person Gentral Region

Nayfe Aboudaya Ghazala Najam Noureddine Tarrabou Barrington Barnett