Toronto Screeners

On the Line Newsletter

For the last few years the executive have postponed Monthly Membership Meetings for the month of July and August.

The executive have decided that this year we WILL be having Monthly Membership meetings for July and August.

Thursday, July 16, 2015 will be the next monthly meeting.

Many Screeners have expressed concerns about the dust in the lounges. The company has been notified and are taking the necessary steps in resolving this situation.

There are many new shop stewards that L.L. 2921 have welcomed to the fold. A list with names and numbers will be updated and posted for Screeners.

Transportation District 140 is holding nominations and elections for twelve (12) General Chairpersons. The term of office will commence January 1, 2016 and will be for four (4) years. To find out more information please read the bulletin No. 033