Toronto Screeners

81 Part- times made Full-time

In the first week of June, the company and the union worked long and hard to fairly negotiate some Full-Time positions that were required in YYZ as per operational requirements, and for the summer bid process. After many hours put in by the company and the union, there was initially an offer made to have 71 part-time officers become full-time. The union still tried to negotiate further and ended up with a total number of 81 position from part-time to full-time officers.

The union negotiated in favour of the Part-timers to be granted full-time benefits, sick leave, sick days, and a guaranteed 40 hr schedule. We kindly ask those 81 officers, to fill out a form from the company to successfully have your benefits transferred from part-time to full-time status within 30 days from June 26th 2016.


If you do not fill out the form and register with Des Jardins within 30 days, you and your family will be subject to a health examination which may limit your coverage for you and your family members.

If you have any further question’s, please do not hesitate to ask the Garda Resource department or your Union reps in both Terminals 1 and 3.


In Solidarity

Barry Barnett

General Chairperson
