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Government of Canada moves to streamline aviation security regulations

OTTAWA, Jan. 4, 2012 /CNW/ – The Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, today announced that the Government of Canada is taking steps to streamline the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations and ensure they reflect the current aviation security environment.

“While current aviation security regulations are robust, our government is committed to improving them, making them as clear, user-friendly and efficient as possible while maintaining a high level of security,” said Minister Lebel. “These initial changes further align our regulations to meet International Civil Aviation Organization commitments and reflect extensive consultation with industry stakeholders.”

The Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 take a phased-in approach, beginning with the introduction of aviation security programs at airports. These programs contain elements for security management, including clear policy direction, an airport security awareness program, an airport security committee, defined security roles and responsibilities, and management of sensitive aviation security information. While many of these systems and practices exist now, aviation security programs will formalize them and help industry manage and support aviation security in a comprehensive, integrated, coordinated and risk-based manner.

“Canadian airports play a key role in aviation security,” said Daniel-Robert Gooch, president of the Canadian Airports Council. “Aviation security programs need to move away from a one-size fits all approach, adopt a risk-based approach to security, formalize the management of security, and set out clear roles and responsibilities among aviation security partners at an airport.”

These changes will be seamless for travellers. Strengthening airport security is an important part of Transport Canada’s ongoing commitment to protect the travelling public, the aviation industry, aviation workers and infrastructure.

The new regulations are part of an ongoing review of Canada’s aviation security regulations. This review is expected to include aviation security programs for other industry sectors, including air carriers, by 2015.

The Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in February 2011. After allowing time for comments, the regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part II, on January 4, 2012, and are now in force.


Canada has one of the most secure and efficient aviation systems in the world. Transport Canada and its aviation security partners work to maintain and improve this system. Aviation security around the world has evolved by reacting to specific aviation security incidents. As part of good business practice, it is necessary to review the regulations and ensure that they are still current. In the case of the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, comments from consultations identified a need to streamline, rationalize and modernize.

By modernizing the regulations, Transport Canada wants to ensure that they are as clear, user-friendly and efficient as possible. The new Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 will enhance aviation security in Canada by:

  • ensuring continued compliance with international obligations and standards;
  • increasing effective and efficient management of security responsibilities and accountabilities for the aviation industry;
  • better applying industry and government security resources based on risks; and
  • improving the focus of security activities on performance and results.

One of the key elements of these regulations is the introduction of aviation security programs for airport operators and key security tenants.

Aviation Security Programs for Airports

Aviation security programs will further enhance the safety and security of the travelling public by improving the behind-the-scenes security management at airports and improving the sharing of information among aviation security partners. These programs further build airports’ capacity to respond to new and/or emerging aviation security risks by:

  • improving awareness and understanding of aviation security-related roles and responsibilities;
  • encouraging and coordinating the sharing of aviation security information both inside and outside airport organizations, when and where appropriate; and
  • engaging entire airport organizations to be more involved and proactive in the management, coordination, integration and continuous improvement of security through risk management, training, awareness and preparedness.

Stakeholders and partners were invited to submit comments on the changes that would affect airports across the country through a Notice of Intent that was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in March 2010, followed by a pre-publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in February 2011.

These changes to the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations will be seamless for travellers. Strengthening airport security is an important part of Transport Canada’s ongoing commitment to protect the travelling public, the aviation industry, aviation workers and infrastructure.