GARDA 2017 – 2018 BARGAINING UPDATE (December 15 2017)
Your Negotiations Committee met with Garda December 11 to 15, 2017 in Toronto. Although these are the early stages of bargaining for a new collective agreement, we made it very clear to Garda that there will not be an agreement unless we address the shift scheduling issues and the introduction of a part time cap into the collective agreement.
Improvements in shifts for all employees, wages, job security, and retirement benefits must be addressed. Your committee is committed to achieving these improvements. Only with your solidarity and support can this be accomplished.
We have agreed to meet Garda again on 16th Jan, 2018, and will be in the workplace next week explaining what transpired and Garda’s position on items that we have discussed.
Thank you again for your continued support.
In solidarity,
Barry Barnett
General Chairperson
Central Region