Toronto Screeners


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Transportation District 140 is pleased to announce that Bro. Sam Jabbar accepted a position with the Grand Lodge Canadian office, effective November 1, 2019. As such, Transportation District 140 will be appointing a Central Region Organizer per Article 13.13, Letters (a) and (b) of Transportation District 140’s Bylaws:

13.13 (a) All District 140 Organizers and Organizer Apprentices will be appointed to their position by the PDGC with the agreement of the Executive Board. The number of Organizers and Organizer Apprentices and the Regions to which they will be assigned shall be determined by the District Executive Board. The appointed Organizers and Organizer Apprentices shall be a member in good standing of a Local Lodge from that Region. The appointments will coincide with the commencement date and terms of the office for General Chairpersons. Decisions on appointments, and/or extensions, will be made by the Executive Board, a minimum of six months prior to the end of the current term.

(b) Organizers are responsible for initiating and directing campaigns, and to provide resources, training and assistance to Local Lodge Organizing Committees. They must submit regular reports to the PDGC detailing their current campaigns and strategies. Organizers will submit an annual budget to the DL 140 Executive Board for approval and are responsible to ensure that approved funds are utilized in formal organizing campaigns. They will also develop strategies and action plans to raise the profile of the IAM&AW within our communities.

All members wishing to be considered for this position are requested to submit an application that includes a cover letter, a resume and a letter from their Local Lodge Recording Secretary with the Local Lodge Seal, attesting that they meet eligibility requirements. Eligibility requirements are in accordance with the IAM & AW’s Constitution and Article 5.07 of Transportation District 140’s Bylaws.

5.07 Any member in continuous good standing within an affiliated Local Lodge under the District Lodge shall be entitled to run for District office in accordance with all regional and representational restrictions applicable to the Office. The candidates must:

(a) Be members who are and have been in continuous good standing for at least two (2) years prior to the date of the close of District Lodge nominations. They shall also be free from delinquencies of any nature to a Local Lodge, District Lodge, or Grand Lodge.

b) Have attended 50% of the regular quorum Local Lodge meetings that their shifts or assignments would allow during the 12 months prior to the close of District Lodge nominations.

All applications (Cover Letter, Resume, and Letter from Local Lodge RS) should be submitted by October 23, 2019 to:

Transportation District 140, IAMAW
Attn: Alfredo Acrobati
3900 Côte Vertu Blvd., Suite 202
Saint-Laurent, Québec, H4R 1V4

The decision on the Central Region Organizer will be made by October 28, 2019.

In Solidarity,
Alfredo Acrobati
Secretary-Treasurer Transportation District
140, IAMAW