Toronto Screeners


You may be aware that the CAWU is misleading you once again by providing information from other contracts with screening officers in other parts of the country.

This will have NO IMPACT on what would be the negotiated contract for Toronto. To be clear, your current contract remains in effect until the IAM negotiates new improvements to the existing language.

You are currently experiencing lay-offs, unpaid vacation entitlements, reduced hours and the list goes on and on. This is all taking place under CAWU’s representation (or lack thereof).

We expect CAWU will create more and more rumours and provide you with misleading information in order to trick you into voting for them. This is being done out of desperation. Expect this to continue up until the vote.

Remember, the IAM has the majority of support among the screeners in Toronto. The CAWU will do and say ANYTHING to hold onto the power and more importantly the money!

Don’t be mislead by the CAWU’s tactics. Vote IAM for a better future.



Ian Morland

Organizer, IAM National District 140

Phone: 416-875-8140