Toronto Screeners




Dear Brothers and Sisters

The COVID-19 health crisis and the state of emergency that has been declared means we are operating in quickly changing circumstances that are hard to predict. Making this more challenging is that clear direction from Screening Contractors and CATSA, has proven difficult to obtain.

Understandably, Members are urgently seeking answers and assurances under these difficult circumstances. Given the lack of information, please be assured that your union leadership, at all levels of the IAMAW, have been tirelessly working in collaboration with each other, attempting to obtain factual information. We are in constant communication with employers and other stakeholders seeking information to help give guidance and predictability to our members.

A conference call was held yesterday with Grand Lodge, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16 & 2921Presidents and Chief Shop Stewards of each bargaining unit representing Screening Officers throughout the country to share available information affecting our Members in this sector.

Current information was shared on the following topics:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Screening Officers are front line workers and we are continuing to put pressure on screening contractors, the regulatory body and the federal government to provide screening officers with access to N95 Carbon Filter Masks, Protective Eyewear, Gloves, Disinfecting wipes/sprays.

  • Social Distancing Protocols: A regulatory body task force is reviewing and making changes to in consultation with screening contractors, subject to airport size and facilities. This may include changes to screening procedures and use of screening checkpoint(s) and/or workplace layout.

  • Sanitization/Enhanced Cleaning Protocols: We have been advised that both airports and the regulatory body have increased cleaning frequency and access to cleaning items, including wipes and spray/pump hand sanitizing stations.

  • Self-isolation and Quarantine Protocols: The screening contractors are adhering to the Health Canada recommendations for self-isolation and quarantine. Effective March 12, 2020, employees returning from any international location, whether they are symptomatic or not, and employees who are symptomatic are being required by the screening contractor to self-isolate for fourteen (14) calendar days. Employees are currently drawing vacation and sick leave entitlements for pay purposes, however discussions are ongoing between your representatives and screening contractors with respect this matter. Any employee(s) that have expressed concerns related to being in a high-risk category are being permitted to self-isolate.page1image32122432page1image17728528Bulletin No. 012_EN

Health & Safety for Screening Officers

  •  Your Right to Know: A Hazardous Substance Risk Assessment is required and we are presently awaiting a response from screening contractors and the regulatory body on how they will proceed. Further, we have identified the need for a process to identify and notify screening officers, who may have come in contact with any passenger or airport worker that has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and have communicated these concerns to screening contractors, the regulatory body and the federal government. We are awaiting their response.

All of the District Lodge 140 General Chairpersons are participating in frequent and regular video- conferences, sharing information in order to better understand the COVID-19 situation as it evolves.

In difficult times such as these, we must all stand together, support one another, build solidarity and know we are stronger when united.

In Solidarity,

Tania Canniff,
General Chairperson – Western Region Transportation District 140, IAMAW

Tayeb Larti,
General Chairperson – Central Region Transportation District 140, IAMAW

Todd Haverstock
General Chairperson – Western Region Transportation District 140, IAMAW

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