Toronto Screeners

Priority Responses to COVID-19

Uncertain times are never easy. During the present COVID19 health crisis, every one of us will be challenged to be the best that we can – generous, thoughtful and selfless. 


Our movement believes in solidarity and the power of collective action, that we are stronger together. It is hard to reconcile this deep commitment to the collective with the idea of social distancing, and the knowledge that being physically apart is what is needed while we battle a global pandemic. These recommendations are a current list and represent the urgently needed supports for all workers in the GTA, especially those most vulnerable among us.


Labour Council has been proactive in reaching out to Canadian elected officials and demanding immediate action on the issues that affect workers. Read our advocacy letters below; you may even wish to forward the letter to your own elected official as part of your own advocacy efforts.


The labour movement is an important partner in helping make decisions and communications during this health and economic crisis. We call on all levels of government to ensure that workers have incomes they can count on during and after this crisis, child care if they are able to work, work that is healthy and safe, and stable housing. We emphasize the need for continued social solidarity with the goal that no one is left behind during the crisis or afterwards.  It is important to recognize that Canadians don’t all start from the same place – we have a high level of inequality including the racialization of poverty and exploitation of some due to their immigration status.

We outline eight priorities to communicate to governments (click to jump down):

Source: Toronto and York Region Labour Council (TYRLC)