Toronto Screeners

Grievances – An Update

The IAM met with Garda to discuss grievances on Friday 30 March, 2012.  Terminations and other grievances were discussed. We discussed 135 grievances.

  1. All outstanding terminations resulting from the slowdown in October 2011   (those who have not yet returned to work) are going to arbitration. We are  in the process of contacting those members.
  2. After discussions regarding terminations, we continued with the other grievances in order of severity. Some of the other grievances discussed require answers from the company. We will receive those answers sometime this week and will let you know.
  3. The IAM is in process of contacting every member to update them on the status of their grievance. Please wait to hear from us as it takes time to properly inform each member about the status of his or her grievance.

While we are waiting for answers from the company on a few outstanding grievances,  we are planning another meeting this week to continue with the rest of the grievances.  We will share information with you as soon as we have it.

There are still hundreds of grievances to resolve. Please be patient. We know you need to know the status of your grievance and we respect that. This is why we would like to give each of you the most current information. In the meantime…


Carlos Dacosta, IAM Transportation Coordinator
Robert Savoie, District 140 Organiser