Toronto Screeners

Membership in the IAM

Further to Stay Strong issued on 23 March, 2012:

Members have raised some valid concerns about the eligibility to vote in the Stewards and Negotiating Committee elections on 11 April, 2012. We have listened carefully and evaluated your feedback.

Starting IMMEDIATELY, the IAM will be asking all those who did not sign an IAM card before 31 December, 2011 to sign one now.

YOU MUST SIGN A CARD by 12:00 noon on 10 April, 2012 to allow us to prepare a voters list for the elections.

As an IAM member, you will be able to attend any membership meeting called by the IAM, as well as vote in the upcoming elections, once you have joined.

We understand that there are a few Screening Officers that do not yet support the IAM. Some are even trying to sabotage your future. You have a large role in stopping this disruptive behaviour. Speak out and STAY STRONG!

We thank all members for their input and desire to participate in their own future.

Carlos DaCosta
Transportation Coordinator
IAMAW, Canada