Toronto Screeners

The Checkpoint (Volume 1, issue 11)

The negotiations Committee met this week ahead of our meeting with the Company on October 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th 2020. We continue to have major discussions sur- rounding the needs of our members proposals to the Employer.

Our members spoke loudly through negotiation surveys giving us direction to ensure that gains are made in wages, pension contributions and for implementation of equal health benefits for all employees.

Once again we thank you, the membership for your support and feedback. United we will make improvements in all of our working lives.

We encourage you to read our weekly newsletters for frequent updates on the negotiations process.

In Solidarity,
Your Negotiations Committee

Pension Update

The pension committee in collaboration with other committees in the local continues to address the issues of pension reform for our members. Through negotiations we look to strengthen the pension plan to make sure our members are okay after retirement. The fragile state of the pension for mem- bers of LL 2921 is primarily due to three(3) main factors: (1) Changing Of Union, (2) Low contribution and (3) single contribution. The membership will continue to be updated through news letters and through local committee members.

New Workplace Risk Assessment

The union through the Health and Safety Committee continues to monitor and analyze possible gaps in the health and safety protocols in workplace in light of the recent spike in COVID 19 infection among screeners. A new risk assessment was requested and the union awaits a confirmation from the company. In the meantime , the IAM implore it’s members to always follow the guidelines set out by Health Canada to limit and prevent the exposure to the disease such as wearing of the appropriate face covering, social distancing and effective hygiene practice.

2921’s Generosity Shines in Fundraiser!

The Women and Human Rights Committee is thanking the members of Local Lodge 2921 who donated and continues to donate towards the food drive, your contributions and continued support is greatly appreciat- ed.

The IAM would like to thank each and every member of local 2921 who participated in filling out the work place violence survey. The union will use the information from the survey along with other inter- nal and external resources to address this serious and implicating issue of workplace violence and har- assment. Members should continue to report and take action if they experience or witness any form of harassment, violence, bullying or discrimination in the work place. Safety is a right not a privilege and the company must meet it’s legal obligation to maintain a safe workplace free from violence, har- assment and discrimination.


New Educator Appointed

LL 2921 Educator : Dewayne Boothe

Local Lodge 2921 is proud to announce that Dewayne Boothe has been appointed to the role of the new educator for the local 2921. Dewayne is a perfect fit for this position as he will lead the new charge in sensitizing and educating the member’s of the local 2921 as he is passionate, committed and has a excellent rapport among his fellow workers. The IAM is extremely elated to have him on board representing local 2921 as he will intelligently and expertly articulate to members information that is needed to grow and expand the local lodge.

Congrats Dewayne and we wish you the best of luck!