Toronto Screeners

The Checkpoint (Volume 1, Issue 12).

Cost Of Mismanagement!

The membership of IAMAW local lodge 2921 are expressing deep concern about the way in which the employer has conducted recent business relations in regards to their overall welfare, safety and livelihood. The membership has become increasingly distraught especially in light of the recent layoffs and the manner in which it was done. With a recent report on the rise of disinformation being verbally disseminated especially by members of management in regards to additional layoffs, closure of work stations and other work related cuts, which has caused a stressful and untenable workplace environment. The leadership of the IAM finds this to be disturbing, irresponsible and counterproductive to good business decorum.

The company had guaranteed there would not be a reduction in the workforce as the budget allocated covered the period through to November 14th, 2020. But the employer decided to act in bad faith and breach the trust and confidence of the workers and union when it decided to act outside of the consultative platform to lay off workers once the mismanaged budget cut into their profits.

Ill-advised actions like these disregard workplace standards and undermine business relations between company and union which forms the basis of unfair workplace practices which then culminate in mismanagement. Mismanagement not only destroys livelihood, it damages the image of a client, it also demoralizes, demotivate and lowers the morale among the workers which may impact the delivery of services to the traveling public.

When a company fails to plan and manage its resources properly then relies on – absenteeism, book offs and punctuality of it’s employees to meet it’s budgetary obligation, the company already plans to fail which is extremely poor management. While there is a legal right to manage, ethical and moral governance should be part and parcel of management practices, as these types of practices motivate and encourage the workforce to deliver the exceptional service experience required for the public in a workplace environment that is safe, secure, one free from disfunction, tension and misinformation.

The IAMAW will be keeping a close watch into these developments and will be mobilizing and escalating it’s resources if needs be if there’s no amicable redress and a continuation of practice exists.
Protecting our members is of utmost importance.

Negotiations Update

The negotiation team is committed and is looking forward to making progress with Garda as the discussion with company continues. The main focus during the week of October 19—23, 2020 was geared towards the non-monetary items and improving the working conditions of all screening officer.

We will be keeping everyone updated to the progress and achievements we have made. We can only achieve our goals by staying united and working together for the common good.Once again we thank you our members for the endless love and support in such a trying time.

Health And Safety Update

The local lodge 2921 health and safety committee conducted the long awaited and overdue follow up risk assessment on October 21, 2020 with the employer Garda at YYZ. There were health and safety hazard found and a number of recommendations were made to the company which may limit/prevent employees from getting ill or injured in the work place.The local health and safety committee will be attentive in ensuring these recommendations along with other past recommendations are implemented and the guidelines along with the code are strictly adhered to.

Women & Human Rights 2921 Committee Fundraiser A Success!

The Women’s and Human Rights Committee of local lodge 2921 is expressing it’s joy in the positive response and turn out to the bake sale that was held on October 15, 2020. It’s an understatement to say this event was successful! This past Friday members of the committee made efforts to support our members during a difficult time. We first and foremost would like to thank the amazing members of this wonderful committee for their unrelenting efforts to made this happen. We are very proud of our achievement and would love to thank our members who’s unwavering support means the world to us.

Our committee would also thank our members who continues to donate to the food drive, we are very thankful for your generosity as the food drive will continue through to Christmas. Please continue to bring non-perishable foods, let’s uplift each other during this unforeseen and difficult times. The Women’s & Human Rights Committee.

Workplace Harassment Survey Results Are In!

The IAM local lodge 2921 would like to announce that preliminary results for the recent workplace violence surveys are in. With a few statics data that are still being gathered, so far we can safely say 52% of our membership participated and responded to the survey and out of that number 94% of the respondents ex- perienced work place violence, which the union finds very troubling.

The union will continue to gather the remaining data as we look towards our next step in addressing this very serious and urgent matter. As Everyone should be able to work in a safe and healthy workplace. The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out roles and responsibilities of workplace parties with respect to workplace violence and workplace harassment, including developing and implementing policies and programs and providing information and instruction on these.The union will remain vigilant in protecting its members against any unwelcome practice and behavior!


In Solidarity.