Toronto Screeners

Unemployment Stamps

 Administrative Office

Friday January 15, 2021

Unemployment Stamps

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

There have been some questions concerning the process/payments of unemployment dues for our members to remain in good standing while separated from employment, layoff/furlough and sickness or disability. In our constitution, as per Article G, members that are off for any of the above reasons can apply for an unemployment stamp to remain in good standing, by paying $2.00 per month. Members may want to remain in good standing with the Union to have access to the union benefits, which are contained in the affinity booklet, or have the ability to run in an election or to hold office.

If you would like to remain in good standing, you can make the initial monthly $2.00 payment to the lodge within 60 days of your last day of employment. Unemployment stamp payments after that must be made prior to the 15th of each month. The local will only accept a cheque accompanied by the local lodge Request for Unemployment Stamp Form. The form must be submitted with payment. If your membership lapses, you cannot be re-initiated until you pay two full months’ dues. This usually occurs after the second month when you return to work.

Cheques can be dropped off at the union office at T1 or mailed to the following:

Unemployment Stamp 2921
Care of: IAMAW Canada
18 Wynford Drive. Suite 310
North York, Ont M3C3S2

If you chose to mail it, be aware of the delays with Canada Post.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned at or 4163464593

In Solidarity,

Keith Aiken
Trustee Local Lodge 2921

Please click here to download the form to request your Unemployment Stamps