The Checkpoint Volume 2, Issue 3
During the month of January, your negotiations committee continued meeting with Garda in an attempt to attain a collective bargaining agreement. The focal point depicted on improving the benefits and working conditions for all screening officers and their families. That being said, the union has submitted a proposed package to the company with relevance in achieving a satisfactory deal. An overall review of the entire collective bargaining agreement has been concurrent during the negotiations. In conclusion, we can only achieve these goals by staying united and working together. If you have any questions or concerns please contact any member of your negotiations committee.
Newsletter Contest
Did the CAWU introduce Part-Time into the collective agreement? Yes or No?
When does your current collective bargaining agreement expire?
What does the Company contribute per hour into your pension?
Please email your answers to
IAM International President extends Trusteeship
A special trial committee conducted hearings in October 2020 and November 2020 to determine whether the trusteeship would continue. Based upon the recommendations of the trial committee, the International President has declared the Trusteeship will continue until further notice.