Toronto Screeners

Congratulations || Negotiation Suggestion Survey

To all newly-elected Stewards and Negotiating Committee Reps:

The IAM will contact all Stewards and Negotiating Committee Representatives shortly to explain details about training dates, location and travel required.
We will be distributing a Negotiation Suggestion Survey for all screeners to fill out and submit to the IAM so we can compile this data and use it to formulate our bargaining agenda.

The surveys will be distributed by Lou Pagrach through the Shop Stewards. The surveys are kept confidential and only the information collected will be used to assist the Bargaining Committee.

Screening Officers in Toronto deserve a good collective agreement. We urge you to participate in this survey, and to speak to other Screening Officers so we can finally get you a good collective agreement.

Carlos Da Costa
Transportation Coordinator
IAMAW Canada