Toronto Screeners

Arbitration Hearing News • 15 June, 2012

As we mentioned earlier this week, the IAM had its first two arbitration hearings this week to present GARDA screener grievances dealing with screeners who had been terminated by GARDA dating back as far as 2010.

There were 12 grievances for ten grievors presented on June 11 and 14, 2012.

The arbitrator will be mailing the final and binding decisions within the next two weeks.  Once we receive them, we will contact each grievor and explain the final decision.  We will also assist those grievors successful at arbitration in returning back to work.

We have asked our lawyers to present 20 termination grievances resulting from the workplace incident at the airport last fall.  The lawyers met with the arbitrator on June 12, and have secured 4 arbitration days as follows: September 24, 27, and October 4 and 30th of 2012.

We will be assigning arbitration dates for the 20 grievances next week and contacting each grievor so they are aware of when their grievance is being presented.

We will keep you posted on the recent arbitration decisions when they come in.

Carlos DaCosta
Airline Coordinator
IAMAW, Canada