Toronto Screeners


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As you are aware, our Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Canada Labour Code define
our work rules about our hours of work. Both of these states any hours worked in excess of
forty (40) per week has to be paid as overtime.

The Company had been violating this and grievances were filed.
The Union took the matter to arbitration, as we believe the Company violated the CBA as

  1. Extra hours were not distributed according to seniority.
  2. Hours worked more than forty (40) were denied being paid overtime.

    The Arbitrator, Mr. Brian Keller, ruled in the Union’s favor by ordering the Company to follow
    the CBA, to stop the violation and pay the grievances.

    After the arbitration award, the Company started a new practice by distributing the hours not
    according to seniority but according to the schedule, which all the hours were given to the
    members working part-time, which is clear violation of the CBA.

    According to the CBA and the arbitration award, members working part-time twenty-four (24)
    hours and more per week, qualified them for a full-time status.

    The Company is denying the members working full-time the benefit of receiving available
    extra hours and depriving the members that are part-time but have been extended full-time

    Please file a grievance, if you were bypassed for not receiving the extra hours or worked
    twenty-four (24) hours per week due to extra hours.

    You could reach out to your Chief or any Shop Steward at your terminal for assistance.
    Please note that filing petition to violate the CBA and Canada Labour Code is not the right
    way; on the other hand, the right way is to file grievances against any Company’s violation of
    the CBA.

    The Union advised the Arbitrator that the Company is still not following the CBA and his
    award; a few grievances were filed, which the Company denied paying and informed the
    Union to deal with those grievances at different arbitration.

    The Union will advise the membership of any resolution to this matter.

    In solidarity,
    Tayeb Lharti
    General Chairperson
    Central Region