Toronto Screeners

Local Lodge 2921 Auditor Position

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Local Lodge 2921 is  looking for anyone who is interested in becoming a Auditor to join our Local Lodge 2921 team.

All those who are interested are asked to please submit their request in writing by Friday September 2 2022 to the Recording Secretary via email at  You are asked to include your full contact information in where you wish to be reached. 

Must be in good standing, must have attended at least 50% of the Local Lodge 2921 Monthly Membership meetings in the 12 months preceding (September 2, 2022), must have signed an IAM card by September 2, 2021 and have not served a management position temporary or permanent for a period of 3 years prior to the date indicated above.

Primary consideration will be given to the members who are in good standing and have met the minimum qualifications as outlined above and in the constitution. Secondary consideration will be as contemplated by the Trustee and President.

After of the close of the application period, the Trustee of the Lodge in consultation with the President will review all applications received and appoint three candidates to the position of auditor.

In Solidarity,

Caterina Barone
Recording Secretary
IAMAW L.L. 2921
Cell: 416.660.5304