Toronto Screeners

Shift selection and rotation

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

As you know, the Garda shift selection process has caused some big problems and turmoil for you, the Screening Officers.

The lack of rotation, no available reduced workweek or reduced hours, no part-time weekend only shifts, etc., were all discussed at a meeting between Garda and the IAM on Thursday.

We received a commitment from Garda that the rotation issue will be fixed by the end of next week.

Garda also committed to try to accommodate Screening Officer requests for a reduced work week or hours, provide some part-time Saturday and Sunday working 8-hour shifts.

All requests must still meet the needs of Airlines and CATSA.

To make a request for any of these adjustments or reductions, see your Chief Steward and submit your request in writing. Your Chief Steward will take your request to Garda for review and approval.

Please be advised that, as per the collective agreement, if you are scheduled less than 24 hours you will drop down to part-time status and benefits.

In solidarity,

Lou Pagrach

General Chairperson