Toronto Screeners

Negotiations Update # 4

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On January 3, 2024, your Negotiations team served our intent to bargain to Garda. We are still working at setting up dates to start the negotiation process.

Your Negotiations team met this week to continue preparing our proposals in anticipation for our upcoming negotiations with Garda. The Negotiations team reviewed the surveys and prepared significant proposals around improving contract language and monetary items. Our wage proposals will ensure that the Toronto Screeners are the highest paid in the country.

At this time, your team will not be able to share specific information on each proposal as we haven’t started the negotiation process and do not want to disclose to the employer our proposals prior to getting to the table. The employer doesn’t need to know our strategy!

We are looking forward to getting back to the bargaining table to ensure the Toronto screeners have the best collective agreement in the country.

Fighting for the best!

If you have any questions or concerns about bargaining time lines or process please contact us.

In Solidarity,

Jonathan Jones
Terminal 1 Representative
Abdriahman Abdulla
Terminal 3 Representative
Nickson Nuga
Terminal 5 Representative
Bassam Kanaan
Terminal 1 Representative
Robert Craig
Terminal 3 Representative
Tayeb Lharti
Bargaining Co- Chairperson
Amandeep Singh Lubana
Terminal 1 Representative
Yosef Perlman
Terminal 3 Representative
Keith AIken
Bargaining Co- Chairperson