Toronto Screeners


Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On February 6 & 7, 2024, twenty-seven (27) IAMAW Pre-Board Screening Officers were terminated at the Victoria International Airport following an investigation into screening irregularities at NPST, which commenced on January 9, 2024.

Typically, the IAMAW would not communicate with all members surrounding the events leading to the termination of screening personnel, however, the circumstances of these events compel this communication.

The sub-contractor intended to return the majority of affected employees to work with a corrective action plan, after determining that their conduct, while it deviated from the SOPs, did not give rise to grounds for termination.

CATSA interfered in the decision-making process of the Employer, and rather than accept the decision to return employees to work with a corrective action plan, CATSA, without conducting any direct investigation of their own, directed the Employer to terminate the employment of all 27 Screening Officers, and 9 salaried employees at the site, advising the Employer that these
employees were no longer permitted to provide services under the screening services contract between the Employer and CATSA.

In the present circumstance, the lack of procedural fairness is appalling and may lead to a dangerous precedent in the future matters governed by the Collective Agreement and legislation.

The IAMAW has contacted the Minister of Transport regarding CATSA’s interjection into the labour relations of their sub-contractors and asked for their assistance in ensuring that CATSA’s interference and direction to the Employer be overturned and for the Collective Agreement and labour relations practices to be respected.

Given this unprecedented action by CATSA, we remind our members that you should, at all times, comply with screening procedures and follow the CATSA issued SOP’s. If you feel that you need refresher training, or if you are asked to deviate from screening procedures and are not provided with this direction in writing, please advise the Employer
in writing immediately, with a copy to the Union.

We will continue to provide updates, extend our continued support and strength to those members unjustly terminated

If you have any questions or concerns please contacts us.