Toronto Screeners

Seniority Lists posted by Garda – 19 September, 2012

Please be aware that as per Section 7.4 of the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) Garda is posting seniority list for your review.

“Seniority lists shall be revised in September and in February and copies provided to the Local Union’s Business Representative.” Section 7.4 CBA

Garda will make available the current seniority list on the website and in the lunchrooms.

It is your responsibility to make sure your seniority date is correct.  The date should be the date when you became a Screening Officer at Garda.

If the date is not correct, please submit a Garda ‘Seniority Date Correction Form’ stating what is wrong.  Supply any and all documentation to support your claim.  Deposit it in the HR mailboxes located in Terminal 1 and Terminal 3 no later than Friday September 28th, 2012.

In solidarity,


Lou Pagrach

General Chairperson

I.A.M.A.W. District Lodge 140