There will be an election for 5 Observers who will attend the IAM District Lodge #140 Convention in Halifax, N.S.
The members elected will provide a report on the Convention to the General Membership upon their return.
YYZ Terminals 1 & 3
Date of election: Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Location: Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Montreux Room departures level
Times: 07:00 until 19:00 hrs.
Date of election: Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Location: Lunchroom
Times: 10:00 until 15:00 hrs.
Terminal 1 Terminal 3 Island
Rajiv Mohan Caterina Barone Paul Cuprys
Rajkumar Seepersad Shabnum Kiran Dan Bradi
Sandra Hughes Saulo Campos Ian Brown
Elizabeth Mathews Jonathan Jones
Guida Cabrel Eric Ouelette
Eddie DeBartello Sanja Lasica
Results of the vote will be published the following day, October 10, 2012.
Please make every effort to attend this vote.
In Solidarity
Lou Pagrach
General Chairperson
IAM DL 140