REMINDER – LL 2921 Meeting & Executive Board Nominations
This is a reminder that a Meeting and Nominations for LL 2921 Executive Board will be held on Thursday November 15th, at Sheraton Gateway Hotel in the Zermatt room, departures level.
Meeting Agenda:
- Nominations for LL2921 Executive Board – ongoing throughout the meeting
- DL 140 Secretary Treasurer report for LL 2921
- General Chairperson report
- Chief Steward reports – T1, T3, and Toronto Island
- Arbitrations report – 296 unfinished CAWU grievances from 2010 to March 2012
- Negotiations and Arbitration update
- DL140 Halifax Convention report
- Shop Stewards Meeting report
The meeting will start promptly at 14:00 hours and end at the latest 18:00 hrs.
The meeting will be similar to a regular monthly union meeting so that members can experience what to expect once the Executive Board is elected and regular monthly union meetings are held starting in January 2013. After each report members are encouraged to ask questions.
Requirements to attend Meeting:
In order to attend the meeting or to nominate anyone to a position, you must have signed an IAM card. Forms will be available at the meeting for those interested in signing up.
Qualifications to run for Executive Board:
Anyone wishing to run for a position by accepting a nomination must have signed an IAMAW card by December 31, 2011.
In Solidarity
Lou Pagrach
General Chairperson
IAM DL 140