Toronto Screeners

CLC – Labour Day Materials

To: Members of the CLC Canadian Council, Federations of Labour, Labour Councils and CLC Staff Friends and Allies: I am pleased to unveil the branding for the CLC’s Labour Day campaign, Workers Are The Recovery, and to share the first phase of materials for use by affiliated unions, labour councils, and provincial and territorial federations of labour. We invite you to use these materials and customize them as you see fit, so we have a strong and united message on Labour

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Once Upon a Time in Chile (and Scotland)

Often, as a member of a trade union, we are asked, “What good does a union ever do?” Well, apart from better wages, better working conditions, vacations, and benefits – not much – well here is a wee story. On sept 11th 1973 the was a military coup in Chile. The country was overtaken by a military junta, who then proceeded to murder and torture people whom they considered subversive. They did this in unspeakable ways, Trade unionists were among those

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Dear Sisters and Brothers, Local Lodge 2921 held an in person election on June 3, 2021 and the deadline for absentee ballots was June 14, 2021. The ballots were counted on June 15, 2021 and the results are as follows: The successful candidate in the Chief Steward election – Yama Toki The successful Shop Stewards are as follows (in no particular order): Nayel Abdulahi Fahmi Nasir Mandeep Rai Umberto Mastroianni Lissa Nevins Hassan Jama Manpreet Kaur Simon Kendalo Yasemin Guido

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Dear Sisters and Brothers, Local Lodge 2921 held an in person election on June 3, 2021 and the deadline for absentee ballots was June 14, 2021. The ballots were counted on June 15, 2021 and the results are as follows: The successful candidate in the Chief Steward election – Glenville Remy The successful Shop Stewards are as follows (in no particular order): Binu Janardanan Mandeep Chohan Jas Virdi Gbenga Oluwamuyide Caterina Barone Rezwana Mandarino Jagdish Buttar Ursilla Ally Yosef Perlman

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Dear Sisters and Brothers, Local Lodge 2921 held an in person election on June 3, 2021 and the deadline for absentee ballots was June 14, 2021. The ballots were counted on June 15, 2021 and the results are as follows: The successful candidate in the Chief Steward election – Sanja Lasica The successful Shop Stewards are as follows (in no particular order): Valeriy Bilykh Colin Husbands Local Lodge 2921 would like to congratulate all candidates that ran for a position.

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