Toronto Screeners

Vacation Bid Policy Grievance 2016

On March 31st 2016, there was a Policy Grievance with a number of discrepancies that were presented at Arbitration. There was a total of 49 Discrepancies. The reason for the grievance was that the process of the vacation bid was not followed by seniority. The union presented the interpretation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement in regards to the correct process of the vacation bid. After all the evidence that was provided, the Arbitrator ruled in favour of the Union, and

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Top 10 things Canadian Unions want to see in the Federal Budget

  Early next week, the federal Liberal government will table their first budget. This is an historic opportunity for our government to respond to the jobs crisis, while also beginning to repair services and programs that Canadians rely on. Working Canadians and their families are facing a precarious economic picture, but Canada is well-positioned to turn things around. Last October, the Liberals were elected precisely because they recognized this picture and promised to be bold in addressing it. Here are

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