Toronto Screeners

Observers for District 140 Convention in Halifax

Please be advised that IAM Local Lodge 2921 will be sending five (5) Observers to the annual District Lodge 140 Convention in Halifax on 22 October – 26 October, 2012. Any members interested in attending are asked to submit their names and contact information to:  Members can also fax their information to (905) 671-2114  Those who attend will be required to submit a report to the general membership after they return. DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING YOUR NAME Friday, 5 October,

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Important Notice of Upcoming Meetings

As previously posted, please be aware that your Negotiations Committee will be in the workplace conducting Town Hall meetings to discuss the status of the current contract negotiations between the IAM and Garda.  The following is a schedule for the meetings: Wednesday, September 26 Town Hall Meetings, Terminal 1 locker room – 10:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 15:00, 18:00 to 20:00 Thursday, September 27 Town Hall Meetings, Toronto Island – 10:00 to 14:00 Friday, September 28 Town Hall Meetings, Terminal

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Please be aware of the following scheduled meetings and events planned for the next few weeks:   September 18 Posting and distribution of leaflet informing the screeners of the establishment of Local Lodge 2921 and other information. September 19 Meeting for all Shop Stewards.  This is a follow up to the meeting held last week.  Purpose is to explore solutions to the issues raised at the first meeting. September 19 Posting of information about the nominations and elections for new

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Nominations for IAM Health and Safety Representatives

We are seeking 8 volunteers to act as Health and Safety Representatives: 3 from Terminal 1 3 from Terminal 3 2 from Toronto Island The Union will provide training and support to the team and they will be responsible for all health and safety related issues in the workplace.  This will include attending regular monthly meetings with the company. Please submit your name and contact information to or fax to   905-671-2114 All applications must be received by September 28,

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Seniority Lists posted by Garda – 19 September, 2012

Please be aware that as per Section 7.4 of the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) Garda is posting seniority list for your review. “Seniority lists shall be revised in September and in February and copies provided to the Local Union’s Business Representative.” Section 7.4 CBA Garda will make available the current seniority list on the website and in the lunchrooms. It is your responsibility to make sure your seniority date is correct.  The date should be the date when you

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Local Lodge 2921 Charter

  The members listed on the Charter, which makes Toronto Screeners Local 2921 official, helped to make the IAM your voice at work. The work continues and more and more members are helping build our community. From this foundation, we are looking forward to even greater things for our local.

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