Arbitration Update
Of the 200 grievances left unresolved by the CAWU dating back to 2010, 90% have now been resolved to the grievor’s satisfaction by the IAMAW. One of the grievances not yet resolved deals with LOU#7. These grievances were filed by the full-time screeners who were laid off and brought back as part-time in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
These grievances are all scheduled to go to arbitration on March 12, 2013.
There are rumours on the floor and letters being sent to the screeners at their homes by the CAWU stating the contrary. These CAWU rumours and letters are not correct and are meant to mislead you into believing that you are not being properly represented by the IAMAW.
Please BEWARE of this CAWU misleading propaganda.
The IAM is your union, and unless we communicate with you in writing, please
disregard all rumours and statements made by the CAWU.
In Solidarity,
Lou Pagrach
General Chairperson