Toronto Screeners

The Checkpoint (Volume 1, Issue 6)

Major Health and Safety Wins For Local Lodge 2921 Members! Joint Health and safety committees play an important role in workplaces and local lodges. Just as stewards and chief stewards police the collective agreement, health and safety reps enforce occupational health and safety laws ensuring everyone’s safety is protected. At the last joint health and safety meeting, local lodge health and safety representatives were unrelenting in pushing issues of importance to local lodge 2921 members.  On Friday Aug.21,2020, as part

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Making it work during difficult times – A First for Screeners Lodge 2921 Negotiation Committee.

Toronto, ON and Hollywood, MD – The Negotiations Committee for IAM Screeners Lodge 2921 were hard at work this week preparing for their upcoming week of negotiations with Garda – but something was different. Due to the impossibility for IAM members to attend the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in the US, the local leadership collectively decided that the training would be online and would include an online bargaining simulation. That’s a first of its kind for the IAM! “The

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IAM Supports Legislation to Protect Aerospace Jobs

This week Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-02) and Ron Estes (KS-04) introduced The Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act of 2020. The bipartisan legislation helps prevent aerospace supply chain furloughs due to the COVID-19 pandemic by establishing a temporary relief program to help vulnerable companies. The bill would provide up to a 50 percent cost-share of pay and benefits for hundreds of thousands of employees at risk of being furloughed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. “We applaud Reps. Larsen and Estes for introducing this

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New Workplace Harassment and Violence Regime for Federally Regulated Workplaces

As of January 1, 2021, a new standalone Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations will take effect, and replace Part XX of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. The new regulations will apply to both workplace violence and sexual harassment under Part II of the Canada Labour Code. Under this regime employers will have added obligations and will be required to do the following; Develop a workplace violence prevention policy jointly with the policy committee, the health and safety committee or

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Be part of the process!

Hello Everyone.  My name is David Grant, I’m the new Communicator for the Local Lodge 2921 and also the Chief Steward of Terminal 5. We all can agree that communication plays a fundamental role in our day-to-day lives in both us as Unionists and Screening Officers.  The LL is in the process of building a dynamic team of individuals representing all three terminals providing the membership with new and relevant information. As part of this rebuilding process, we’re in search

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Anti-Black racism runs deep but so does our commitment towards combatting it

June 8, 2020 Amid the horrific scenes coming out of the United States of continued police brutality against protesters in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, Canada’s unions are expressing solidarity with Black communities everywhere, including in our own backyard. The fight against anti-Black racism and police brutality is based in the long, despicable history of slavery, oppression and colonization of Indigenous communities and Black people in North America. The impact of which continues to be felt today.

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