Toronto Screeners

Priority Responses to COVID-19

Uncertain times are never easy. During the present COVID19 health crisis, every one of us will be challenged to be the best that we can – generous, thoughtful and selfless.  Our movement believes in solidarity and the power of collective action, that we are stronger together. It is hard to reconcile this deep commitment to the collective with the idea of social distancing, and the knowledge that being physically apart is what is needed while we battle a global pandemic. These

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The Checkpoint (Volume 1, Issue 3)

A Lifeline in Time of Need: Building an IAMAW Women’s Network The National Women’s group looks forward to welcoming Local 2921’s Women’s and Human Rights Committee once formed to these discussions. Making connections, and building networks is most necessary in times of need, and emergencies. The pandemic sent shockwaves throughout our workplaces and communities, and many of our members bore the brunt of the pandemic. Almost immediately, IAMAW Sisters drew in together to address the unique needs of our members,

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Negotiation Update Bulletin# 1

July 29,2020 Dear brothers and sisters: Your negotiations committee met on July 28, 2020 to put a plan together for the upcoming negotiations with Garcia. Next week we will be in the workplace talking to members about workplace issues and having members fill out the surveys. Your Negotiations Committee will be meeting for t raining and to build proposals (which will be based upon the survey results) the week of August 17, 2020. We will advise you when the dates

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The Checkpoint (Volume 1, Issue 2)

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Temporary Pandemic Pay: Breaking down the Facts Over the last few days, Grand Lodge officers have met with members to find out key issues our members face at Pearson Airport. Temporary Pandemic Pay was a key concern and it is clear there are questions about eligibility of workers. The IAM has been advocating for the safety and protection of airport screeners throughout this pandemic, and it’s important to clarify our advocacy efforts on this matter and address

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Terminal 3 Shop Steward Appointment

TORONTO SCREENERS LODGE 2921I.A.M.A.WAdministrative OfficeJuly 25, 2020 Terminal 3 Shop Steward Appointment Brothers and Sisters,Please be advised that, due to an immediate requirement, I have appointed the following threeShop Stewards to represent the membership in Terminal 3: Ursilla Ally Paul Percival Yosef PerlmanAll three will be a great addition to our team. Please welcome them.There will be more appointments to the steward team at Terminal 3. If you are interested infulfilling any roles within Local Lodge 2921 please submit an

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The Checkpoint (Volume 1, Issue 1)

Local Lodge 2921 placed under temporary trusteeship On July 20, 2020 IAMAW International President Robert Martinez placed Local Lodge 2921 under temporary trusteeship as there were circumstances that threatened the good and welfare of the membership. Trusteeship means that 2921’s Executive Board is on hold for the time being, and a trustee has been appointed by Grand Lodge to manage responsibilities usually performed by the Executive Board. In this case, the Air Transportation Coordinator, Keith Aiken, who will be working

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