Toronto Screeners


At the start of the summer shift selection, Garda informed most Team Leaders that TL positions would not be part of the summer schedule. Only Team Leaders that are paid at the “Grandfathered PL rate” would be exempt and will be TLs in the summer bid.

The Union immediately filed a group grievance, as this is in clear violation of Letter of Understanding #6 of the freshly signed and printed collective agreement.

The Union attempted to expedite the arbitration pro@ss but was immediately advised by Garda that they have no urgency in resolving this matter and it will have to wait.

The Union’s grievance is demanding reinstatement of the full TL position and payment of any Iost wages.

As of this writing, the Union has not received an official response to the grievance. We will update you as any news develops.

In Solidarity,
Lou Pagrach
General Chairperson