Toronto Screeners


Dear Fellow Screening Officers,

On May 17 and on July 24, 2013 there was a posting in regards to the seniority list errors, procedures on how to submit inquiry forms and the process the IAM would follow to address the complaints submitted.

The Seniority Committee has been meeting over the past few weeks to examine the little over 40 complaints that were handed in by Screeners.

As a result of a few complaints where the committee was not able to come to a conclusion on the proper seniority date due to lack of supporting documentation, it has been decided that they will be sent arbitration on September 17, 2013 before Arbitrator Keller.

Once the decision is received, a corrected seniority list will be posted prior to the next shift bids and all members with complaints will be contacted with an explanation and be given a copy of the arbitrator’s decision, if applicable.

In Solidarity,

Amber Chambers