Toronto Screeners


Dear YYZ Screener, Thank you for choosing to have the IAM as your bargaining representative. Starting today, you will see democracy and collective decision-making! The IAM is looking forward to working with you and your co-workers to forge a bright future for all YYZ Screeners at Garda. Representation votes can be difficult, but we are glad to have you join the IAM family. Together we can face the future together. We extend our hands in friendship to all screeners –

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Congratulations and thank you for deciding to have the IAM as your bargaining representative. Starting today, we will travel the road you were always meant to be on: democracy and collective decision-making! More details to follow very soon. TOGETHER WE WILL SUCCEED!!! Please remember: there will be no break in benefits and the Collective Agreement remains in full force!!!    

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Just over four years ago CAWU told you a vote for the CAWU meant a merger with CAW. There was No merger and No explanation.   CAWU promised you an election after one year. Three years later a judge falls just short of calling them liars when he had to rule twice in favor of YOU having an election. 

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A representation vote among employees of Garda Security Screening Inc. will be conducted by the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) in order to determine who will act as their bargaining agent in matters of collective bargaining with their employer. What you need to know: The vote will be held electronically – this means by telephone OR internet. All eligible voters will receive a letter to their HOME ADDRESS outlining how to vote and providing a personal identification number (PIN) which

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