Toronto Screeners

2022 IAM Scholarship Competition

The 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition is accepting applications. The competition is open to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada. The Application packet must be postmarked by February 11, 2022, and received no later than February 23, 2022. Applications, rules, and general information can be found on the 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition page. In 2021, the IAM awarded 16 scholarships valued at $64,000. The winners were selected out of over 300 applicants. The IAM also has a vocational-technical two-year scholarship

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Our common security

As a new year begins, the eyes of the world are rightly focused on the twin threats of the COVID-19 pandemic and accelerating climate change. A similar level of attention is required to the threats to peace on virtually every continent. People in many parts of the world are living in conflict or are on the brink. Autocrats, populists and warlords are facing off across borders and oceans. Expenditure on armaments is at a record high, international agreements regulating weapons

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Minimum Dues Increase

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Local Lodge 2921 has been notified by the Grand Lodge and District Lodge 140 that per capitas will be increasing by 5.16%. As per our local lodge bylaws, Article 4 Section C, any future increase in per capitas will automatically increase the dues by an equal amount. Article 4 Section C Paragraph 3 is as follows: Article 4 Section 3Notwithstanding the provisions of these bylaws, any future increase in per capita tax or anyother assessment, instituted

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Dear Sisters and Brothers, As you may be aware, the Union and the Company had an arbitration onOctober 21, 2021.I would like to report the following six (6) unresolved Policy grievances and one ( 1) Group policy grievance that were presented in front of the Arbitrator, Mr. Brian Keller: Group policy grievance regarding extensions over forty (40) hours to bepaid as OT, the grievance was resolved successfully in favour of theUnion, 42 grievances are to be paid within thirty (30)

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Bulletin # 3 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Nominations for all Executive Board and Auditor positions have closed and an election will be taking place on December 16, 2021. The results of the nominations are as follows: Local Lodge 2921 would like to thank all those nominated and wish good luck to all candidates standing for election. Local Lodge 2921 will hold the election for Executive board positions on December 16, 2021 at the following location: Sheraton Airport Hotel YYZ International

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