Toronto Screeners

Collective Agreement Tentative Agreements and Arbitration Award

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Your Negotiations Committee has received the arbitration award concluding
negotiations. Bargaining throughout this pandemic was extremely difficult as the
process began as the Covid-19 pandemic was just beginning and the Company
claimed they did not have the money. In Short, here are some of the positives
that were attained:

  1. Enhanced layoff and Recall Language – 36 Month Recall, Benefit
    continuation for 14 days after layoff.
  2. Improved Shift Trade language – Company will not suspend
    Webapps(during shift changeover)or suspend shift trades for not meeting
    16 hour requirements.
  3. Improved Health and Safety/Harassment/Human Rights language
  4. Company will not force on full vacation if vacation not accrued. (Must take
    minimum two weeks)
  5. Technological change language
  6. Upgrades to full time based purely on seniority.
  7. Pension $1.15 per hour worked in year three
  8. Compensation package of 7.1% over three years
     $1400.00 Full time, $700.00 Lump Sum Year One (equates to 2.6%)
     2.25% Across all scales – Year 2
     2.25% Across all scales – Year 3

    Please look to the local lodge website for the full package that contains our
    agreed to tentative agreements and the arbitration settlement.

    Our negotiations team will be out in the workplace over the next few days to
    discuss the agreements and the arbitration process

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the negotiations committee for
    their hard work and dedication to improving the working conditions of screeners.

In Solidarity,

IAM LL2921 Bargaining Committee